Erika’s Journey
Erika was born in Peru to Quechua-speaking parents (of the Chanka lineage), her paternal grandmother, a traditional Andean midwife, was the person who brought her to life. Part of her ancestral midwifery practices included using the medicine of cacao in combination with ancient, ancestral birthing methodologies. From a young age, Erika was very intuitive, with a strong connection to the moon and the cultivation of divine manifestation, whilst surrendering attachments and expectations in life.
Her grandmother was the one who would always keep her in tune with her ancestral path and gave her some very supportive words when she moved to Europe. Although the pressure of society to become someone professional was the biggest challenge for Erika and her path of ancestral medicine practices, the words of her grandmother kept her rooted and focused.
After her mother passed away, Erika had a spiritual awakening; her grandmother came into her vision to leave the message that “this is the time to unleash her gifts”. She duly did, and her reconnection with Mama Cacao was very magical and powerful. She began fusing her knowledge of Shamanic Journeying practices with Seasonal Yoga and her Ceremonial Cacao.
Now she and her family live together between Scotland and Peru running retreats, healings, and ceremonies locally and internationally.
The cacao origin
Where is it from?
Our Ceremonial-Grade Cacao comes from the Cusco cloud forest area of Quillabamba.
The farm is run by a small family who practises in the traditional ways, stewarding their land and harvesting their Cacao with techniques that have been passed down from generation to generation. Our beautiful friend, Deme, is the leader of the family farming community.
Our relationship
We are truly blessed to hold a strong and intimate, family-like relationship with Demetrio and his family. And the power and strength of this connection infuses each and every drop of cacao that pours into your cup!

Our native Cacao is harvested from small, family-owned and operated, wild cacao farms in the mountain & Jungle of Peru. Because our farmers cannot afford organic certification, our product is not certified organic. That being said, we can assure you that these heirloom trees are never sprayed with any herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, or toxic fertilizers. The cacao trees that produce our cacao are found growing in their natural habitat, deep in the jungle (rather than on man-made farms or estates).
‘Raw Cacao Powder’ is a derivative of the cacao bean, one that's been separated from the cacao butter, making it an easy addition to smoothies and healthy desserts. Our cacao, however, is much different. It uses the whole cacao bean, meaning all cocoa butter is still present and intact.
A few other other distinct differences:
1. We source beans from Peru. Most companies do not elaborate on which strains of cacao they source because they either don't know or don't care enough to find out for themselves. We avoid all man-made, hybrid, or genetically altered strains and our mission as a non-profit is to help save the native strains of cacao that are currently endangered due to cross-pollination and commercialization.
2. We do not use any commercial processing equipment when creating our cacao. A traditional stone grinder is used to create our drinking chocolate from the whole cacao beans.
3. We handle every step in the supply chain with intention, integrity, and respect for all involved.
Ceremonial-grade cacao is a naturally occurring source of caffeine. Caffeine content fluctuates between the varietal of cacao being used and the region from which that varietal is sourced. On average, a cup of ceremonial-grade cacao contains about 1/2 to 3/4 the amount of caffeine found in a cup of black coffee.
While we do know many moms who have safely drank cacao throughout their entire pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, we as a company cannot make recommendations as to what is safe for you and your baby during these times.
We of course always encourage anyone to check in with their intuition, in addition to inquiring with a licensed, holistic medical professional that you trust.
With all of this said, if you have been told that cacao is safe for you during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding, we feel very confident that cacao is a brand that can be trusted as the highest quality. Our cacao exceeds the standards for both mold and heavy metal levels that are set by regulating authorities.
Our Cacao recipe never changes, however because we use native, organic, unaltered cacao beans, there will be some natural differences in the earthiness, creaminess, cacao butter-content, etc. based on the season & climate. No two cacao pods are the same, just as the beans inside those pods are all different from one another.
Large chocolate-making corporations go to great extent to ensure their beans and products taste exactly the same every time, typically at the sacrifice of the cacao beans themselves.
Feel free to play with the cacao you receive to make it your own. You may consider adding your own chile powder, vanilla extract, coconut oil, maca powder, cinnamon, lucuma, or other superfoods.
When stored appropriately, our cacao lasts up to 1 year after opening.
STORAGE recommendation:
For extended shelf life & ultimate freshness, we highly recommend keeping your cacao in ziplock bags or air tight containers, inside of the fridge.
Please note, this ceremonial cacao is not liable for negatively impacted product due to poor storage conditions.
For mid-size & larger groups we suggest you use the following:
* Large stockpot (or several medium-large saucepans)
* High Quality Immersion Blender: Click here for example
* A countertop scale to measure 40 grams (or 4 tbsp) of KAKAO per person
* 7oz of water per person (can be heated in stockpot or using hot-water kettles)
* Optional: Coconut Oil (few spoonfuls depending on the size of group)
* 8oz Biodegradable paper cups: Here is an Amazon link for reference.
* Wooden spoons. Click here for example.
* Ladle for scooping the KAKAO in cups or a pitcher to easily pour into cups.
If there is a stovetop to keep the cacao hot, you can prepare the cacao beforehand and heat it on stove before serving!
Our cacao is never pressed, conched, or tempered, meaning if it is exposed to high temperatures, like those found in the summer months or those of traditionally warmer climates, the cacao butter will melt. Once cooled (brought inside or shaded), the cacao butter will re-solidify forming a hardened mass similar to a cacao block.
If this happens, we assure you, your cacao is still in 100% perfect condition and safe to enjoy. If our cacao shows up on your doorstep melted and/or hardened, you have a few easy options:
Option 1: Slice off a few pieces using a kitchen knife and use a kitchen scale to weigh out 40-50 grams. Prepare as normal.
Option 2: Chop well (mince) with a kitchen knife. Prepare as normal with 4-5 tbsp.
Option 3: Place the solidified chunks into a food processor and pulverize it into a powder. Prepare as normal.
Please note: we cannot replace product that has melted and hardened as it is a natural process and is completely safe to consume. Thank you for your understanding.